Sunday, May 26, 2019

Wildfire #28 Senior Class and #29 Cindy

Wildfire #28 Senior Class, Jane Claypool Miner, 1982

More than anything, Mary wishes that she could make friends, talk to boys... that she weren't so alone. 

Then she meets Sandy and Jimmy, who give her warmth and friendship.  And they introduce her to Whit, the most popular boy in school.  Mary likes Whit right away, but she's not sure how to let him know it.

For Mary, senior year is both difficult and exciting—a year of reaching out, of trying new things, of getting hurt sometimes, of growing up, and of loving...

The summary is misleading.  It is accurate as to the plot with Mary, but it fails to mention that the story has two protagonists.  The narration switches between Mary and her new friend, Sandy.  Sandy is a far more interesting character, and I enjoyed her parts of the story much more than I did Mary's.  Mary's insecurity is so extreme that it is downright depressing.  It is unpleasant to read.

I don't see what Mary sees in Whit.  He is only interested in talking about himself.  I was bored whenever Mary spends time with Whit.  On page 99, Sandy "could not, for the life of her, see what was that special about Whit."  Right, because Whit is boring and tiresome.

This book is overall good.  Probably the best part is the contrast between how each girl views her own life and how the other views her life.  The book could have been excellent if Sandy had been the sole narrator or if Mary's narration had been less depressing.

Wildfire #29 Cindy, Deborah Kent, 1982

Cindy had a hard enough time being new in a high school last year.  How can she survive a year in a place as different as Mexico?  

But Mexico turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her!  She loves the quaint town with its festive holidays and makes lots of friends.  And the Mexican boys are enchanted by her pretty blond hair and American accent—they all want to go out with her!  Cindy feels happy and confident for the first time in her life. 

The only problem is Alejandro.  Sensitive and serious, he hardly pays any attention to Cindy—and she likes him better than any other boy.  How can she show him how she feels?  She doesn't have much time...

I really enjoyed this book.  Cindy thinks the Mexican boys are truly enamored with her.  She isn't used to all the attention.  She doesn't realize that she is just considered a pretty trophy for them to show off.  She gets hurt in the process and nearly loses a very good friend.

1 comment:

Tai said...

I never would have guessed what Cindy was about based on that cover art.