Monday, January 13, 2020

Sweet Dreams #9 Cover Girl and #10 Love Match

Sweet Dreams #9 Cover Girl, Yvonne Greene, 1982

How can Renee tell Greg about her secret life...

Renee's living a life that most girls only dream of.  Overnight she's become a glamorous high-fashion model in New York City.

But behind her cover-girl smile is a girl with a broken heart.  She's hiding her new life from her boyfriend Greg—who hates everything phony and loves Renee for what she used to be.  Once he finds out the truth, will her ever trust her again?

I really like books that have a conflict that involves a secret.  This book is very good.

Sweet Dreams #10 Love Match, Janet Quin-Harkin, 1982

If Joanna plays to win, will she lose Rick forever...

Joanna's a 15-year old super-jock who's not quite ready to trade in her sneakers and sweatshirts for three-inch heels and designer jeans.

Then she joins the boys' tennis team... meets Rick... and decides she enjoys being a girl!

But Rick's the #1 player on the team... or at least he was until Joanna came along.  Can they both play to win... without losing each other?

On page 77, Joanna states, "My father is a college football coach, and you know they don't get paid that kind of money."  Joanna means that her father does not make enough for her to have had professional training in tennis.  This passage doesn't quite ring true for me.  College football coaches did not make much prior to the 1970s.  By the late 1970s and into the 1980s, the compensation increased substantially.  This book was published in 1982, and by that time, salaries were not low.

This book is interesting from the very start.

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