A blog for vintage series books like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys... featuring modern middle-grade fantasy... modern young adult novels... vintage teen books... vintage book collecting, buying, and selling topics... and more.
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Late April Listing Update
If a store does not list new items frequently, then that store's existing listings will receive lower placement in the search results. I reflected on that situation today and concluded that I probably hadn't listed any items in around five weeks. My lack of new listings has caused lower sales.
I wanted to list some books today, but I struggled to motivate myself, which is in fact part of a vicious circle. When I don't list books, my sales decrease. When my sales decrease, I don't feel motivated to list books. The situation then worsens.
I spent some time in the late afternoon trying to decide if I should force myself to list on Etsy or on eBay. I leaned towards Etsy, which is exactly why I decided that I should go with eBay. I feel that the situation is worse on eBay. That's why I'm more motivated to list on Etsy, which is why I should instead list on eBay. I need to break the vicious circle.
I then struggled to decide what to list on eBay. I wasn't motivated to list more of what is already not selling. I finally realized that I could list Hardy Boys books. My picture covers had sold out, and I could also list quite a few Wanderer softcover books.
That is what I did, and I really had to force myself to do it. I took no joy in the process and felt like I was wasting my time. Nevertheless, I got the books listed.
Jennifer's Series Books on eBay
I did go into Etsy and lower the prices of my most expensive books. The ones originally priced at above $100 were all reduced by either $25 or $50.
Jennifer's Series Books on Etsy
I have a large number of tweed Nancy Drew books both with and without dust jackets that I need to list on Etsy. These books are my best sellers on Etsy, especially the tweed books without dust jackets. People love them.
Perhaps next weekend I can force myself to list on Etsy.
I also have quite a few Rick Brant books (actually most of the set) that I need to list as well as a variety of other books. Much of it likely will not be listed until school is out for the summer. Teacher Record Day is four weeks from tomorrow.
It occurred to me that I could mention my stores in one of the Facebook selling groups, and that would probably result in some sales. For now, I'm not going to do that. I don't like promoting my stores in the groups, for two reasons.
First, I don't like promoting myself to people who don't follow me. This blog is different since those who read it choose to follow me. This is my space, and anyone here has an interest in what I write or what I do. I am comfortable with self-promotion here in this blog.
I also don't like promoting myself in the Facebook groups because of some of the odd responses. Facebook members have become very lazy. They get in the groups and ask basic questions that can be answered by a simple Google search. When I mentioned my online stores in the group last summer, people asked me if I had certain books for sale. They were apparently too lazy to follow the links to see what I had. What I had for sale was what I had for sale in my stores. It shouldn't have been hard to figure out.
If someone is too lazy to follow the link, then they are probably too lazy to make a purchase. I get better results mentioning my stores in this blog than I do when I mention them in the Facebook group. I also don't get the lazy questions in this blog, and I thank you for that.
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Low eBay Sales Caused by eBay's Category Removal
In my previous post, "Using the Copyright Year in the Title of eBay Listings," I wrote:
My Nancy Drew books tend not to sell on eBay, but they sell just fine on Etsy. Something is wrong on eBay, and I've felt for a long time that buyers cannot find my Nancy Drew books in the search results. This is probably partly my fault.
I have not been consistent in using item specifics. I find it hard to believe, however, that most Nancy Drew buyers rely solely on item specifics instead of looking at the items that are returned in their searches. So, I feel like it's more than just the item specifics.
I know that more is going on. My eBay Nancy Drew sales tanked sometime in the middle of last year. Last summer, I created a bunch of small bulk lots of Nancy Drew original text picture cover books. The books that were listed in those lots had condition problems and often had bookplates. I didn't feel that those books were advisable to list individually, so I put them in the small bulk lots. The lots were priced at from around $18 up to around $25 for three or four original text picture covers. Shipping was free on the lots, so the buyers were only paying sales tax in addition to the cost of each lot.
Years ago, the lots would have all sold within a few weeks. The lots went mostly unnoticed. Gradually over the months, the lots sold one at a time. I still have one of them, and it's been close to a year since it was first listed.
$6.66 per book plus sales tax is not a bad price. While the books have wear, they are not in bad shape. They are perfectly respectable copies, just like the others that took months to sell. I have been astonished that these bulk lots have been so hard to move considering the high interest in the original text books.
I can pinpoint exactly when the drop in Nancy Drew sales occurred on eBay. I have taken several breaks from selling during the pandemic. I reopened in March 2021 after a lengthy break. At first, my Nancy Drew sales were fine. My Nancy Drew sales began to drop by summer, although I didn't notice. I was going through a lot at that time and was selling plenty of other books.
I did notice that my original text bulk lots weren't selling, which was odd. But I didn't stop to think about it and didn't notice that my Nancy Drew picture cover books priced individually had quit selling on eBay.
I closed my store again in early August 2021 and reopened in late October 2021. That was when I noticed the drop in Nancy Drew sales on eBay. The books just weren't selling anymore. I have had the same picture cover books listed since last year, and they don't sell. Meanwhile, my Nancy Drew picture cover books sell on Etsy just fine.
I do know why this has happened. In May 2021, eBay removed most of its categories. Yes, you read that right: eBay removed most of its categories.
This image shows the subcategories available within eBay's "Books & Magazines" category.
There really aren't any. There is a subcategory for "Antiquarian & Collectible" books and another for just "Books." The "Books" subcategory has no subcategories of its own and is for all books from all genres.
The children's book category is gone. Vanished. It no longer exists. I mean, who would want to separate children's books from other kinds of books? Certainly, none of us, right?
The item specifics are supposed to take the place of the categories. There is an option for "children's" in the item specifics. The idea is that buyers can find the option for "children's" in the search results and select it to see children's books. It sounds great in theory, but there's a problem. Most sellers don't use that item specific for Nancy Drew books.
This image shows most of the topics used by sellers for their Nancy Drew listings along with how many listings were assigned to each topic.
Click on the image in order to view it clearly. Some sellers did label their books as children's books, but many sellers did not. The only way to use the item specifics to see all of the Nancy Drew books is to click on each one in turn, which would take forever. Just running a search for Nancy Drew like I do, and looking at everything without using item specifics, is the only feasible way to do it.
Aside from that, many of the topics selected are rather... strange. Notice that over 100 books are categorized as "farming." I checked that one out and found many Red Gate Farm books and a number of the ND Diaries Black Creek Farm books. How stupid.
When I was editing the item specifics for my Nancy Drew listings, I found that eBay automatically generates item specifics inspired by keywords from the titles. That is how a large number of Nancy Drew books are categorized as "farming" books. Not helpful, eBay.
The bottom line is that eBay's children's books category no longer exists. Buyers are now on their own trying to find children's books. Buyers are reliant on sellers properly using the item specifics, yet eBay hinders sellers by suggesting completely wrong item specifics in many cases.
Think of going to a library book sale with hundreds of thousands of books for sale, except all of the books are piled in bins and unsorted as to topic. That is what eBay is like now.
None of this is a problem for searches that return few results. I find that all of my books aside from Nancy Drew do fine on eBay. A search for Nancy Drew returns over 25,000 results, so buyers are overwhelmed and unable to find what they want.
I found an article that indicates that eBay is trying to get rid of buyers and has apparently succeeded.
Is Management Strategy or Reopening Economies Driving Customer Losses for eBay?
I have trouble understanding how getting rid of buyers is good. However, the people who have run eBay over the years have sometimes shown very poor judgment. For instance, a team of now-former eBay executives and employees allegedly executed a harassment campaign against the Steiners of eCommerceBytes a few years ago.
Former eBay employees harassed couple who wrote critical newsletter articles, prosecutors say
Couple harassed by former eBay employees sues company and former executives
Former eBay executive to plead guilty to cyberstalking campaign targeting couple
With people like that connected to eBay, we shouldn't expect wise decisions.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Using the Copyright Year in the Title of eBay Listings
My Nancy Drew books tend not to sell on eBay, but they sell just fine on Etsy. Something is wrong on eBay, and I've felt for a long time that buyers cannot find my Nancy Drew books in the search results. This is probably partly my fault.
I have not been consistent in using item specifics. I find it hard to believe, however, that most Nancy Drew buyers rely solely on item specifics instead of looking at the items that are returned in their searches. So, I feel like it's more than just the item specifics.
I began by working on the item specifics of my Nancy Drew listings. I found that some of them had none of the item specifics (publisher, author, subject, language) completed. Perhaps getting those filled in will help some.
Next, I ran a search for "Nancy Drew" and selected "sold" listings so that I could look at the titles of the sold listings. I wanted to see if there were certain words that were used that I could add to my titles to perhaps help my books sell.
I was struck by how many of the sold listings have the copyright year listed in the title. This is interesting.
Years ago I used to put the copyright year in the titles of my listings. I had a specific reason for doing that. I have always used the copyright year to tell whether a book has the original text. I started using this method before I was ever online. When I got online in the late 1990s, I learned that everyone else checks the number of chapters in the books.
Since collectors just look at the number of chapters, they pay no attention to the copyright year or to the appearance of the books. This is why so many people ask sellers how many chapters the books have instead of just using clues that are visible in the listing. I have created multiple pages on my website and have many posts in this blog that show buyers how to tell which books have the original text without having to ask questions.
Original and Revised Text Books
Picture Cover Gallery (cover art identified as original or revised text)
I feel like my efforts have been futile, since people now just try to use the Facebook groups to mine for information.
Back when I put the copyright year in the title of my listings, I felt that was the easiest way to convey to my buyers that the book had the original text. I explained my reasoning in my post, "Using the Copyright Date in Listings":
As already stated, I find the copyright date to be a super easy way to determine whether the book has the original or revised text. 1956 is the key year. 1956 and earlier copyrights are for books with 25 chapter texts. After 1957 copyrights are books with 20 chapter texts. With this method, you don't need to worry about obscure little details or whether your seller knows that "XX" is 20 or that "XXV" is 25.
It just made sense to me to place the copyright year in the title of the listing so that buyers would know immediately that the book contained the original text. After I received some criticism, I removed the copyright year from my listing titles. The post "Using the Copyright Date in Listings" also details the criticism that I received.
Now it's 12 years later, and my Nancy Drew books aren't selling on eBay. When I looked at the sold books, I saw that a good many of them have the copyright year in the title of the listing. I do believe that some buyers are using the copyright to find the older books.
I feel that I must start placing the copyright year back into the titles of my listings just so that my books have a chance of being noticed in the vast ocean of more than 25,000 Nancy Drew listings on eBay. I am a little hesitant, since the judgmental people will think I'm attempting to defraud buyers.
It is true that I can place a statement in my listings giving an idea of the age of the book. I might do that if I decide to put the copyright year back in the titles. I won't give specific Farah's Guide printing numbers or specific years. I try to keep my listings as simple and streamlined as possible. I need to list many books quickly, so I don't go to a lot of trouble. These days most everyone has a short attention span, so listings need to be short for that reason. A wall of text won't be read, so I want my listings to be as short as possible.
I will continue to mull over the situation before I make a decision.
Saturday, April 16, 2022
An Unexpected April Book Find
Around two weeks ago, I found this vintage teen book by Joan Lowery Nixon.
A few days after that, I found a Nancy Drew book plus an assortment of Hardy Boys books in a store.
Yesterday I found a bunch of Three Investigators hardcover books in a store. I was startled, to say the least.
Friday, April 15, 2022
My eBay and Etsy Stores Are Back Open
I decided that I should be okay packing books any books that sell this next week, so I reopened both stores.
Jennifer's Series Books on eBay
Jennifer's Series Books on Etsy
If I feel overwhelmed or annoyed again, then I will take my listings back down. This last week was brutal, so taking my listings down was the right decision.
All prices are the same on Etsy. On eBay, I lowered the prices of the musty Three Investigators books, a few R. L. Stine books, and some other scattered books.
Monday, April 11, 2022
My eBay and Etsy Stores Are Temporarily Closed
Today a torque test was done on my dental implants. The implants passed the test, and I will be fitted for crowns next week. I did not expect the torque test to hurt like it did. I had brief but intense pain. In addition, my gums are always very sensitive, and that part of my mouth is now sore and probably will be for several days. I have concluded that I will have discomfort and possibly more lingering soreness next week when I am fitted for the crowns.
Long story short, I felt a bit disgruntled as I drove home from my appointment. I also forgot to drop off my packages at the post office, so I had to drive back. That was the second time in the last week that I drove by the post office, forgot to stop to drop off my packages, and then had to drive back. That left me feeling quite annoyed.
I always stack my packages in the passenger front seat so that I don't risk forgetting to drop them off. That I actually have ignored the pile of packages twice in the last week is a very bad sign. I am making more mistakes than usual. This means that I don't need to be selling right now.
I decided to take a break from selling, and I got all of my listings deactivated earlier today. The plan is to be closed for two weeks minimum. Depending upon how I feel in two weeks, the closure could extend to a bit longer.
I was dismayed awhile later when I realized that people will think that I'm taking part in the Etsy strike. No, no! I understand why some sellers are upset, but striking isn't going to change anything. I will just make sure that my prices are high enough to cover the fees, which is what I always do. Etsy is still cheaper than eBay. I can deal with it.
Little things can add up over time; they are cumulative. The school year is like that as well, and we have reached the point in the school year where everything is wearing on everybody.
I have had several instances lately where prospective buyers have been difficult. Again, these instances alone are nothing, but they have a cumulative impact on me.
One buyer asked if a copy of the Three Investigators book, The Secret of Phantom Lake, was a first printing. I made no remark in my listing about whether it was. I know why I didn't. The book has a musty odor, so it's not a collectible copy. Anyway, the book isn't the first printing. I told the buyer that it isn't because it has the full series list inside. According to Seth's Three Investigators first printing page, the first printing only has #17-20 listed inside. I mentioned Seth's site to the buyer as my reason. I know that the book isn't the first printing.
So, the buyer asked for a photo of the copyright page. I'm not sure what a photo would prove. There isn't a number line, and I know that the book isn't the first printing because of the list page. I sent the photo.
The buyer then asked for a discount. At that point, I was done. My listings say that I don't accept offers, and I don't. I didn't reply.
Another buyer from Slovakia wanted to purchase a Three Investigators book and have me mark it as a gift on the customs declaration.
hi there. any chance that we can make a deal? i want avoid fees in slovakia, so wanna pay but send you like a present, so declared price is lower. thank for answer
I create my postage labels through eBay, and I don't think I can hide the value of the item.
Well i wanted to avoid extra money u will pay to this site, but i dont have problem to buy it here. I would just like to ask you, if u can send it as "gift". Otherwise they will delay this order unless i prove them few documents and pay tax. Its not that much about 10 or 15 euros, but about annoying process i would like to avoid.
So if u agree, i will buy it and you just send it to me without stating price, so it gets to me without problems.
I am nearly certain that I will not be able to mark it as a gift on the form that I will fill out for eBay. I do not believe that is an option with eBay's global shipping program.
Hi again. Hmm when i once sold smthing, i just packed it and sent it, so im not sure hows that ebay shippment working and why there has to be anything. and what about just fair trade - i send you cash u send me book?
I haven't responded. I took the time to find a completed international transaction that is in my account. I initiated a shipping label. All I can do is ship the item to eBay's Kentucky global shipping facility. I cannot declare it as a gift.
I don't feel comfortable dodging the import/export laws, but that aside, I simply do not have the option to mark the item as a gift. It isn't possible with eBay's global shipping program.
I am using eBay's global shipping program at this time partly because of the pandemic and partly because it's easier. USPS is not currently shipping to some countries, and the global shipping program allows me to do so. Furthermore, by using the global shipping program, I don't have to figure out the international postage fee. eBay handles that part and charges the buyer appropriately.
Cumulative, indeed. All of these events together add to my stress, which is already high because of school. Therefore, I'm taking a much-deserved break from selling.
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Drina Ballet Series #11 Drina Ballerina
The above summary is from the publisher.
When I went through and purchased all the Drina books last fall, I did not purchase this one. This book was published 26 years after what had been the final title in the series. 1991 is a far cry from 1965. I was skeptical about whether the book would mesh with the rest of the set.
My fears were not allayed by a few reviews I read. I saw a couple of negative reviews, which said that the book has a different tone and that it isn't worth reading.
The other reason why I didn't purchase this book is because of how expensive the book is. At the time I purchased the Drina books in fall 2021, this book was going to cost at least $60 for the softcover from 1991. I didn't want to pay that much when I was already taking a great risk with the investment I had made in purchasing the first 10 books.
I had read the first part of the first book and thought that it was great. Upon that sample, I purchased the rest of the first 10 books. I just didn't know how much I would enjoy the set, so I didn't know if I should purchase this later book.
I started reading through the set in February. After I had read two or three books, I decided that I ought to purchase this book. I needed to have it just in case, since the series appeared to be an excellent one. The book I purchased ended up costing $49.11. It could have been worse.
When I read that this book had a different tone, I was imagining something like the difference between the Little House book The First Four Years and all of the previous books in that set. This situation is not at all like that.
Reading reviews is often not helpful. The only way to know whether I will like a book is to start reading the book. I can't go by what someone else says.
The tone of this book is just slightly different. There are a few details that jumped out at me at being odd, but aside from those, the book reads just like the other books in the series. It fits perfectly.
The most jarring detail that does not fit with the rest of the set is on page 39 when Rose says that Igor "can just go to hell!" It's not strange for a book published in 1991, but it certainly wouldn't have happened in a children's book published during the 1960s.
Some readers don't feel that Rose would have become jealous of Drina. I feel like hints of this were set up during the later books in the original series, so I didn't see it as that odd.
On page 19, Jenny has a "little computer." This is logical for the early 1990s, but it makes no sense for the 1960s.
During one passage, Drina keeps saying "okay" which doesn't sound like her. I love that Grant still says "I guess" at the start of many sentences. Perfect!
I was glad that the book did not contain any travelogue information, since that aspect wore on me in some of the previous books. Several of the Drina books have a lot of filler that is travelogue content. The purpose of this book was to wrap everything up in a neat package, so there was no space for lengthy descriptions of various locations.
Aside from the minor differences, I feel that the book fits in perfectly with the rest of the books. I just don't see any problem.
This is an excellent book and is a good conclusion to the set, leaving no doubt as to Drina's destiny.
Friday, April 8, 2022
Drina Ballet Series #10 Drina Goes on Tour
Drina's head is turned by none of it. She declines all offers and continues as a senior student at the Dominick. Drina joins the company, manages a truce with Queen Rothington, and gets to see Grant Rossiter again.
Jenny feels sadness after Drina becomes famous. From page 67 of the hardcover edition:
Now, as on other occasions, Jenny felt that one day Drina would slip wholly away from her. Her beloved little friend, who had once danced in a cornfield, holding a poppy.
I am pretty sure that this is the first and only vintage series book I have ever read that contains the word "slut." From page 115 of the hardcover edition:
"I'm sorry about this," said Mr. Johnson, who looked harassed. "One of our usual landladies—a wonderful woman—is ill and can't take anyone this week. I've had quite a job to find rooms for everyone. Mrs. Hicks here is a bit of a dragon; rather a slut, too, I'm afraid. But you'll have to manage, dears."
Queen, nearest the door, scrambled out and Drina followed. A sluttish dragon didn't sound very cheering and the look of the house repelled her.
Wait, what? I figured out very quickly that "slut" means something different from what it usually does. The house is quite filthy and slovenly. In this usage, the word is a dated, British term that refers to a woman who is dirty and slovenly. Nevertheless, I got a good laugh out of seeing the word in the book.
This book wraps up the series well enough that we can infer what will happen to Drina in the coming years.
This is an excellent book.
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Drina Ballet Series #9 Drina Dances in Switzerland
When her grandmother insists that Drina accompanies them to Lugano for the winter, because of her grandfather's health, Drina is heartbroken, but determined to stick it out. Misunderstood at Miss Selby's finishing school, she feels completely cut off from her friends at the Dominick and her ballet world. But Drina cannot live without dancing and she creates her own ballet around her, to be rewarded in the end.
This is a very good book.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Drina Ballet Series #8 Drina Dances in Madeira
The above summary is from the publisher.
I skimmed in a lot of places because the book contains a lot of travelogue content. My feelings toward this book are very similar to how I feel about Drina Dances in Italy. While I very much enjoyed parts of this book, I found it disjointed with a lot of content that I skimmed.
The books that I like less have a lot of filler, which consists of the travelogue content.
The book is overall good to very good.
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Book Finds from the Last Three Weeks
I have purchased quite a few books locally in the last three weeks.
In the middle of March I purchased Nancy Drew #52 with double oval endpapers along with the first printing of Nancy Drew #55. I now like the books with double oval endpapers and will purchase all books that I find in that format if they are in pretty nice shape.
Note: Every copy of Nancy Drew #55 with the black and white multi endpapers is the first printing. I have never seen one that isn't the first printing. Farah's Guide indicates a printing for #55 with black and white multi endpapers that goes to #56 on the back cover. It does not exist. For many years, I have checked the back cover list of every #55 that I have run across. All copies of #55 that list to #55 are the first printing, and all copies of #55 that list to #56 have double oval endpapers.
A little over a week ago, I went into a store and was looking around. I then looked up and saw a boxed set of R. L. Stine books rather high up and out of my reach. Oh! Now I don't even like Stine's books, but other people my age and slightly younger love his books. Since Stine is very popular, I always pick up his books if the price is reasonable for the condition.
I glanced around and found a picture book tall enough that I could use it to push the boxed set over the edge. I caught it with my other hand. Success!
Even though I don't like the writing style, I do admire the cover art and design of the books. The boxed set is in pretty nice shape and so are the four books.
On that same day in another store I found a green APC library binding and the first printing of Nancy Drew #56.
Around a week later, I checked a store and found one Hardy Boys book and quite a few vintage teen books, mostly from the River Heights series. Click on the photo in order to read the titles on the spines. Blogger now reduces the resolution of images in posts.
I also found two vintage teen books that I chose not to picture. They are from a set that is hard to complete. The ones I found are the only ones that can be found easily and the rest are very scarce. I created some saved searches, and now I wait. I didn't picture those two books since I don't want to cause anyone else to try to find them.
All of the vintage teen books seen in the above photo were on clearance. The store sent them straight to clearance instead of placing them on the regular shelves. Book stores view the vintage teen paperback books as throwaways and don't feel that they are worth taking up shelf space. What a shame.
It didn't escape my notice that I found most but not all of the River Heights books. I went back one week later to check again. I found two more.
I also purchased two Weekly Reader books, two Three Investigators books, and an Alfred Hitchcock short story collection.
On Friday afternoon, I wanted to go check a certain store, but I wasn't feeling well. I really wasn't feeling well, but I also felt strongly that books were to be found in that store. This doesn't happen to me very often, but when it does, I know not to ignore it. I have never forgotten that day in October 2012 when I felt that a large book find was out there waiting for me, and I ended up making a fabulous book find.
Even though I truly felt bad, I drove to the store that beckoned me. While I didn't find anything fabulous, I did come away with quite a few books. It was like they had been put out just for me.
These Sweet Valley High books were reduced and put on clearance on Friday, just in time for me to show up to purchase them.
I found these Hardy Boys books.
I also found one Stine book and some Trixie Belden paperbacks.
Most of the books had been put out for sale on either Thursday or Friday, so my timing was perfect.
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Drina Ballet Series #7 Drina Dances in Paris
Drina is growing up fast. She is now fifteen, and in the stage of transition between the schoolgirl who lives for lessons at the Dominick School and the young woman with a growing interest in people, places, and things of beauty.
From page 103 of the Hodder and Stoughton hardcover edition:
The door did not open, and, unbidden, the memory of Queen and Christine came to her. There had been a huge key in the lock. She remembered it now, and maybe they had seen her enter and had had the sudden plan of making her a prisoner. With her safely out of the way Christine would play Jane...
"Oh, how silly!" Drina said aloud. "That would be like a bad book. They just wouldn't."
But common-sense told her that Christine would.
The mean girls in these books typically do not resort to the dirty tricks of the Stratemeyer rivals. In this case, they finally do, and the author has Drina say that it is "like a bad book." I found that remark to be hilarious.
Drina's first friend, Jenny, is going through hard times. Her family had to sell their home, and Jenny is going to school to learn office skills. She will be entering the work force soon and is quite bitter about it. Jenny is also around young women who wear heavy makeup and use rough language. Their ways are rubbing off on Jenny. This has caused Drina and Jenny's relationship to falter, and the best friends are having trouble finding a common ground.
From page 127 of the Hodder and Stoughton hardcover edition:
...suddenly Jenny burst out:
"I know I've been awful! But that dreadful hard shell is beginning to hem me in. Oh, Drina, don't let it! If I lose you then all my old life has gone. You've always been like a sister and I do love you. Don't drift away."
In addition to Drina's struggles with Jenny, she is for the first time discontent at the Dominick School because of her feelings for Grant. Drina misses Grant and thinks of him all the time. I found all of this to be very compelling reading.
This is an excellent book.