Monday, May 4, 2020

Sweet Dreams #61 Exchange of Hearts and #62 Just Like the Movies

Sweet Dreams #61 Exchange of Hearts, Janet Quin-Harkin, 1984

When Fiona arrives in sunny New Mexico from her home in England, it feels as if she's entered a whole new world.  But instead of enjoying her stay as an exchange student, she's miserable and homesick.  Most of all, she misses her boyfriend, Simon.  Taco West, the only boy on the ranch where Fiona is staying, is nothing like Simon.  He teases her and treats her like a pesty younger sister.

But as time goes by, Fiona finds that Taco has a gentle, tender side.  And she thinks about Simon less and less.  Should Fiona stay faithful to the boy she's supposed to love—or give her heart to the boy she thought she hated?

This post was prepared two months after I read this book so I remember little.  I noted that the book is very good.  Also, Taco is a stupid name.

Sweet Dreams #62 Just Like the Movies, Suzanne Rand, 1984

More than anything else, Marcy wants to be an actress.  Her lucky break comes when a big Hollywood film company decides to shoot a movie in her hometown.  Not only does Marcy get a walk-on part, but she also gets to spend time with teen idol Lance Newmark.  Best of all, Lance seems to think she has talent.

Marcy pours all her energy into getting more scenes in the movie and more attention from Lance.  Her old friends are quickly becoming strangers, but she tells herself it doesn't matter.  It will be worth it when she's a star and she has the boy she's always dreamed about.  Won't it?

I did not read this book.  The premise did not appeal to me.

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