Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Mistakes Made by Production (CW Nancy Drew and the 2019 Movie)

This post is from March 2020.

Both the 2019 Nancy Drew movie and The CW’s Nancy Drew television series opened with a problematic scene that offended fans.  Neither opening was representative of what followed, but the damage had been done.

For the CW Nancy Drew series, it was the opening sex scene in the very first episode, which was unnecessary and offended right at 100% of Nancy Drew fans.  That scene guaranteed that most Nancy Drew fans would never give the show a chance.  

I saw the 2019 movie, Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase, in the theater on the first day of spring break.  I did not want to be spoiled about the content of the movie, so I wanted to see it the very first day that I could.  I was not well that day, due to my thyroid condition and the stress caused by a botched textbook adoption. 

[Note from 2023:  In thinking it over, that day occurred during a time in which I was likely the sickest I have been in the 4 1/2 years from 2019 to the present.  My mental state was poor.]

When I am not well, my mind is impacted significantly.  Particularly, I am impatient, anxious, emotional, and have trouble communicating my thoughts.  I have little tolerance for situations that might not bother me when my levels are fine.  In short, I freak out easily.

I had not been to the theater in years.  I sat through the previews okay, but I now realize that the previews had a length right at the limit of my tolerance that day.

The movie began.  Nancy decides to pull a prank on a bully who bothered Bess.  The prank pushed me past my limit.  The prep for the prank took forever.  It went on and on. I became very stressed and wanted to leave.

I wasn’t going to leave, but I wanted to leave.  I was not surprised to see a couple and their daughter walk out during the prank prep part of the movie.  I wanted to flee.  I was actually getting very anxious.  Finally, the prank was over.

But even then, it took a bit longer for the mystery to begin.

When I watched the movie on DVD weeks later, the prank didn’t bother me.  I felt better at that time, and besides, I was at home and could pause the DVD whenever I wanted. That made a big difference in my perception.

I overall rate the movie as excellent, except for the opening prank.  The prank doesn’t bother me, except for the length of it.

Other fans were deeply offended by the prank, since it isn't "Nancy-like."

The prank is in the movie to show personal growth in the character, but it should have been much shorter so as not to offend the adult audiences who were watching the movie.

This is why I am a bit more understanding of people who act strange than the rest of you are.

That was where I stopped.  My final line gave me pause and initially didn't make sense when I read it last week.  I decided to leave it after I realized what I meant when I originally wrote the post.  I was very off the day I watched the 2019 movie in the theater, so off that I couldn't stand the prank scene.  For that reason, I understand why the couple and their daughter left.  They couldn't stand it, either.  

To most people, their reaction probably would seem odd.  But I understand that sometimes people aren't in a good place mentally and simply cannot stand certain situations that otherwise would be fine if they were fine.  I hope that makes sense.

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