Thursday, September 26, 2024

All eBay Listings Restored + Creating Bulk Lots

I reactivated all of my eBay listings this week.

Jennifer's Series Books on eBay

After I did that, I deactivated my Nancy Drew Files books.  I gathered them together along with all of the unlisted extras.  I separated them out into several bulk lots, which I then listed.  Two of the lots have already sold.  

On Etsy, 71% of my listings are expired.

Jennifer's Series Books on Etsy

I'm glad for that, because it gives me leeway to create some bulk lots.  I pay for each listing on Etsy, so deactivating a bunch of listings turns into a headache.  I then have to change the listings to other books so that I don't lose what I paid for each listing's four-month duration.  Since most of my listings are expired, I can do whatever I want with them.

My next step will be to deactivate all of my Sweet Valley High books on eBay.  I will pull all of my expired Etsy SVH listings.  I also have a large number of unlisted extra SVH books.  I will gather all of them together and then work on creating bulk lots.

If I feel like I'm handling my eBay store okay, then I will begin reactivating my expired Etsy listings sometime between now and fall break, which is in three weeks.

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