Saturday, September 30, 2017

A Note about Listings, Reading, and Reviews

I have been very unmotivated to write reviews of the books I have read.  I lost my interest in reviews in August.  I finally ran out of reviews this week.

I lost interest in reading two weeks ago, putting my goal to read 365 books this year in serious jeopardy.

I also hadn't used many of my allotted 250 free listings on eBay.  The deadline of September 30 for the eBay listings was the most pressing, since that was a concrete deadline.  I took care of the listings gradually during the last week, finally finishing up today.

Jennifer's Series Books on eBay

I haven't listed on Etsy in some time, and I'll get around to that eventually.

Jennifer's Series Books on Etsy

By Thursday, I knew that I had to figure out how to get started reading again.  Two weeks ago, I was ahead of the required pace to read 365 books by around 12 to 14 books.  Since I had read very little in two weeks, I knew that I needed to get back on track fast.

I want to read Augusta Huiell Seaman's books, but I'm saving them for a few months from now.  I really want to reach 365 books, but Seaman's books are long and will likely take a couple days per book.

I could think of three possibilities, none of which appealed to me.  I won't tell you the other two possible choices since I am not going with those, but the one I decided to try was Sweet Valley High.  I really wasn't interested, but I made myself start the first book.  I have never particularly cared for the first book, probably because I didn't read it as a teen.  So I read it, not really caring.

I have always liked the second and third books, but they have lost their charm for me.  Too much was too stupid.  I tried the fourth book, and yes, this is all since Thursday.  When I get started reading short, modern books, I do read very fast.  Finally, I liked the fourth book as much as before.

As a result, I will probably be reading Sweet Valley High for the rest of the year, which will guarantee that I will make it past 365 books.  For the record, I have read 276 books so far this year.  I need to read 89 more to reach my goal, and there are 92 days left in the year.  I'm on track, and I'm amazed considering the length of some books that I have read and how few books I have read in the last two weeks.

I have struggled to finish reviews since August.  I made myself finish some that were published in the last week, then I had none left.  I managed to finish out my Mary C. Jane reviews today, but I have no drive or interest.  I usually set the reviews where they will publish in the order that the books were originally published.  This won't be the case with the remaining Mary C. Jane reviews, since I didn't get them grouped right.  I don't feel like changing them around.

I also am not very pleased with my Mary C. Jane reviews, but it's better to publish something than nothing.  I like to have some written record of how I felt about a book, even if vague.

I'm now starting on Doris Fein reviews and will try to get caught up.  I'm trying, and I have more hope that I can get back on track than I had a few days ago.

By the way, I have had two requests for lower prices since my post of three days ago.  Oh people, you are being ignored.  I have other concerns.


CvilleTed said...

Hi Jennifer, just want to thank you for your reviews and insight. It’s not easy maintaining a blog, and you’re very consistent with your updates. You’ve also shared your reading goals, which can seem daunting (at least too me!) I know I drop in and out of certain genres when I read. I read a lot, but cut myself slack when I don’t chose to finish a book (I used to plow through, no matter how much I didn’t like a book), put a book aside to finish when I’m more interested (I sometimes start a book and think I would enjoy it more during a different season, like reading a Christmas book or a book set in winter when I’m reading it in the summer), or trying to read more titles than the previous year. Ive kept a journal of every book I’ve read, starting with my first Hardy Boys book in 1976. It OK to take a break. Sounds like you will meet your goal this year. I love your reviews, but maybe set a goal of just reviewing one book a week, picking one that you feel strongly about. I think people that enjoy your blog will still enjoy an insightful post even when you blog less frequently. And if you don’t rely on the extra income, I’d say back off eBay and selling as well. After you shared some recent posts and exchanges you’ve had it really stressed me out. I can’t believe how some people behave!

Amy Sisson said...

Holy cow, can I ever relate. I usually try for at least 100 books per year, mixed with a lot of short fiction, and this year I'll be lucky if I hit 30 books. Chalk it up for 2016/2017 including hospitalization, a surprise divorce after 20+ years of marriage, a major house flood caused by my cat ....

I've been trying to find a way to motivate myself too. The bulk of my reading is not vintage YA, but I did just read Adele and Cateau de Leeuw's Apron Strings, which is not one of their best. I keep thinking I should read the Sara Gay books, because it's a nice manageable number for reviewing, but I'm finding it so hard to get through anything right now.

That said, I do appreciate your reviewers, however often or rarely they're posted.

A Candle to Read By said...

Your reviews mean a lot to many of us. I have just ordered one of the Mary C Jane titles based on your review. You help keep alive the work of these authors.