Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jenny Dean #3 Third Eye and #4 Invisible City

In Jenny Dean #3, The Secret of the Third Eye, Padme Lampo has returned from Tibet. He is now a Grand Lama and has mystical powers, including the ability to predict the future and to levitate himself.  Padme Lampo plans to use his powers to help the people of Winter Falls.  Unfortunately, an evil man wishes to use Padme Lampo for his own nefarious purpose.

Page 14:
Dr. Gwen, Winter Falls' leading psychologist and Jenny's mother, exchanged a secret smile with her daughter.  They both knew how splendidly capable Jenny was of not only taking care of herself, but everyone else in sight.
Wow!  I nominate Jenny Dean as the most perfect series book character ever!

I enjoyed this book, but not as much as I did the first two.  The plot is just too weird, and the book has little suspense.  There isn't a mystery.  The reader knows from near the beginning that Padme Lampo has strange powers, and the plot pretty much just consists of Jenny trying to keep him safe.

In Jenny Dean #4, The Secret of the Invisible City, a strange cyclone tears across the Kansas plains.  After the cyclone is gone, Jenny discovers an invisible wall near her aunt and uncle's farm.  Jenny soon is pulled into the mysterious area, where she discovers an invisible city inhabited by aliens who recently arrived from a distant galaxy.  The people most important to Jenny are also pulled into the alien city, and soon, Jenny fears that they will never be able to return home.

On page 26, Jenny's cousin Martha comments that Jenny didn't tell her friends about her strange abduction.  Jenny replies, "They'd worry."  Martha responds, "The way you are, I can see why."  Indeed.  Jenny has a knack for getting into bizarre situations.

This book is the most bizarre in the series.  In fact, each book has been more bizarre than the previous title.  I enjoyed this book more than the third book but less than the first two books.

I enjoyed reading the Jenny Dean Science Fiction Mysteries series.

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