Some of the documents that went for the highest prices were ones that had Mildred Wirt Benson's autograph. Other documents that were valued had to do with books that are more popular with collectors or are hard to find, like the last Penny Parker book and the Trailer Stories for Girls series. It's like the documents were viewed with the same sense of awe as the books that are so hard to find.
I'm going to run through some of the highlights.
Mildred Wirt Trailer series contract signed Item #270383078042

Mildred Wirt Laughing Mask Plot Summary Item #270383099881
This auction closed at $115.30.
Plot summary for Penny Parker Cry at Midnight Item #270383025332
This auction closed at $114.30, and I think that the scarcity of the book is a factor into how high the summary closed for.
Mildred Wirt Patsy & Pudge Plot Summary #1 Item #270383062835
This auction closed at $70.69. To me, this is more interesting than the plot summary for Cry at Midnight because Patsy and Pudge is a series that was never published. These papers contain a summary of a book by Mildred Wirt Benson that is much more scarce than Cry at Midnight because it does not exist in print. I feel that this lot should have closed for a much higher price because of what it contained. I bought this lot.
Mildred Wirt - Lot of 3 Cupples & Leon letters Item #270383057493
This lot closed at $67.10. It was an absolute must-have for me, since it contains some important information about the Brownie Scouts series. Information is what I seek, so of course I bought this one, too.
Mildred Wirt Pirate Cove Plot Summary Item #270383095408
This lot closed at $62.01. I am not sure whether the book is one that was published under another name or whether it is unpublished. I bought this one, too. I should be able to quickly figure out whether this is a published work as soon as I take the time to read the summary.
Mildred Wirt Nancy Drew Quarry Ghost Letters signed Item #270383092194
Quarry Ghost is my favorite book by Mildred Wirt Benson, so I had to have this one, too. It closed at $51.01.
There were other documents as well, but this gives an idea of what was sold.
Yes! Those were very interesting and unique items! It was exciting to bid on a few even though I didn't win any. You and I bid on a few of the same items, which you won - but I wasn't the last person bidding against you... :)
I was interested in the Cupples letters and a few of the plot summaries - I remember one was called the Indian Mound, and I didn't really know what it was, but it sounded interesting so I bid on it!
You will have to let us know when you find unusual or especially interesting things in the documents that you were able to purchase.
Thanks for sharing!
I remember one was called the Indian Mound, and I didn't really know what it was, but it sounded interesting so I bid on it!
I have just started reading that one. So far, the summary is very good. I will write up a report on it soon.
I have already written two posts on Quarry Ghost, the first of which will be posted tonight. I am going to go slowly through the papers I bought. Whenever I get a treasure like this, I like to draw it out and get as much enjoyment as I can from it.
You and I bid on a few of the same items, which you won - but I wasn't the last person bidding against you... :)
I really consider myself lucky that I was able to get the documents that I found the most interesting. While I am able to easily win most items that I want, there are "bigger fish" than me who always beat me when they bid against me. I am fortunate that those people did not bid on the auctions.
I managed to snag some of them:) Perhaps we can share with each other what we got? I'd be happy to either scan or send you copies snail mail which might be better all around to have a printed copy.
I really was glad to get one letter which she talks to the publisher about how Penny Parker is better than Nancy Drew--great for my book I'm working on!
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