Saturday, October 28, 2023 Website Update (Image Problems)

I have had an intermittent problem for several years with some images not showing on my website.  Google Chrome tends to be the browser that won't display many of the images.  

Back in February, I migrated all three of my websites from Yahoo! to GoDaddy.  I noticed during that time that certain images on were at times not showing.  I decided not to worry too much about it, since the work I did to migrate all three sites was a massive and exhausting task.  I was at the limit of what I could stand doing.

It was reported to me during the last week that images weren't showing on one of the pages.  I checked and verified the problem.  I have checked several times since then, and the images are continuing not to show up on Google Chrome.  Several pages on the site are impacted.  The images tend to be visible on other browsers.  

Click on the images in order to see them at a higher resolution.

This is what I wrote back in February in my post, Website Migration Progress. is on GoDaddy and looks good in all browsers except for Google Chrome.  The problem is that some images are on  Some are also on, but has been moved to GoDaddy, so those images are fine.  For whatever reason, the Chrome browser won't load the images from the Turbify server onto the sites as hosted by GoDaddy. 

On the surface, this makes no sense.  The HTML files for have the full URLs to the images on  The images load fine in the other browsers, just not Chrome.  I have a suspicion what the problem might be, but it's not worth investigating since I'm going to close the Turbify accounts sometime soon.

You might be wondering why many of the images are hosted by the other two sites.  This goes back to the free GeoCities sites that I originally created.  The storage space was limited, and I had so many images for the series book cover art galleries that I had to place a bunch of them on the other two sites.  I have left them where they were placed even though I have had paid accounts for more than 15 years.

It's now extremely obvious to me what the problem is.  The sites are no longer on Turbify and are completely under my control, so the issue had nothing to do with Turbify.  It's that Google Chrome is preventing the images from showing due to them being hosted by another site.  The problem has something to do with a site security error. 

I might be able to pay for a site security certificate to fix it; I'm not very knowledgeable about what that entails.  That aside, just getting the images copied into the file manager for and changing the links on the pages to the files hosted by appears to fix the problem.  That's what I need to do.

581 images have been hosted by and for all of these years.  I know how many since I just downloaded all of them to my computer.  In the coming days, I will get them copied to and will edit the necessary pages to the new image locations.  After I have done that, then hopefully the image problem will be fixed.

1 comment:

Phyl said...

Thank you for spending so much time working to resolve the problems on this indispensable site.