Friday, December 13, 2019

Amy Bell Marlowe's Books for Girls Series

Amy Bell Marlowe's Books for Girls series was published by Grosset and Dunlap.  This is a Stratemeyer Syndicate series that was written by W. Bert Foster.

  1.  The Oldest of Four, 1914
  2.  The Girls of Hillcrest Farm, 1914
  3.  A Little Miss Nobody, 1914
  4.  The Girl from Sunset Ranch, 1914
  5.  Wyn's Camping Days, 1914
  6.  Frances of the Ranges, 1915
  7.  The Girls of Rivercliff School, 1916
  8.  When Oriole Came to Harbor Light, 1920
  9.  When Oriole Traveled Westward, 1921
10.  When Oriole Went to Boarding School, 1927

This set is similar to the May Hollis Barton set, which was also a Stratemeyer Syndicate series.  In my opinion, the Barton books are overall much more interesting reading than these books.

I will only have reviews of the books that I actually liked.  Here are some brief comments on the books I didn't like or couldn't manage to read.

When Oriole Came to Harbor Light is too juvenile and cute for me.  I abandoned the book in the first chapter, so I didn't try to read the other Oriole books.

Wyn's Camping Days has a plot that jumps around.  I partially skimmed the book, and then I quit.

The Oldest of Four has lengthy passages that I found quite boring.  The story of the shipwreck is told over and over by different people, each time with a small piece of new information.  I felt like I was wasting my time.  I skimmed the book and didn't read that much of it.

Frances of the Ranges is not compelling.  A few parts are interesting.  The story had great potential, but the execution was lacking.  I skimmed the book and skipped a lot of it to read the ending.  I didn't care.

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