Monday, October 14, 2019

Dana Girls #29 The Secret of the Minstrel's Guitar

In Dana Girls #29, The Secret of the Minstrel's Guitar, Jean and Louise travel to Europe on the Balaska with their friend, Isabel Sarmento, and her father.  Mr. Sarmento has asked the Danas to help him figure out who is stealing cork from his warehouse.  During the journey, people keep trying to steal a guitar from a young performer.

I was so thrilled to learn all about cork.  So riveting!

Actually, I skipped that part.

My sole desire at this point is for the Dana Girls to stay off the Balaska and out of Europe.  The Winking Ruby Mystery and The Secret of the Swiss Chalet are both set in Europe and are so boring.  This book is also boring!

A gypsy fortune teller appears on page 89.  This is the third consecutive title in the series to feature a character with supposed psychic ability.

I was bored with this book from the very beginning, but I managed to reach the halfway point where I quit the book.  I do not like this book.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

These mysteries seem to be centered around the oddest objects. Guitars, dolphins, wax heads!