Thursday, February 7, 2019

Judy Bolton #15 Mark on the Mirror and #16 Secret of the Barred Window

In Judy Bolton #15, The Mark on the Mirror, the girls throw a wedding shower for Judy and Lorraine.  A mirror for Judy is brought to the shower by a masked messenger, and Lorraine is convinced that Arthur gave the present to Judy.

Judy must prove that Lorraine is wrong, and she is certain that the mysterious gift is tied to the mirror that had previously fallen from the wall in the Bolton home.  Who broke it?  And what was the meaning of the mysterious mark on the mirror?

The cover art has always bothered me.  I have never felt that the shape of the back of Judy's hair quite matches what is seen in the mirror.  Blackberry is also messed up.  Blackberry's reflection looks fine, but there's something wrong with the position of Blackberry, his leg, and Judy's hand as they appear before the mirror.  His leg seems to be turned around backwards.  Yikes.

This is a very good book.

In Judy Bolton #16, The Secret of the Barred Window, Judy goes to New York City to purchase her wedding dress.  She stays with Pauline Faulkner.  At Pauline's request, Judy travels with her to Connecticut to search for a missing author.  The girls are unable to find the author, but even worse, Judy loses her wedding dress.

Judy learns that Lorraine is upset once again, and this time, the double wedding may be called off.  Judy must find her dress and the missing author as she tries to find some way to patch up the mess with Lorraine.

Roberta is introduced on page 50.  Roberta will be an important part of the series up through volume 21.

This book is rather depressing.  On my previous readings through the series, I always considered #8 The Voice in the Suitcase to be the most depressing book in the series.  It didn't really bother me this time, though.  Now, I consider this book to be a real downer.  Judy has lost her dress, Lorraine is calling off the wedding, and a strange house has a barred window and muddy tracks on a bed.  Yuck!

This is an overall very good story, but it is depressing.

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