Saturday, July 12, 2014

The 12th 1930A-1 Old Clock Dust Jacket (Noteworthy Nancy Drew First Printing Auctions)

The twelfth known copy of the 1930A-1 first printing of the Nancy Drew book, The Secret of the Old Clock, sold on eBay recently for $7,500.

The same buyer also purchased the 1930A-1 first printing of The Hidden Staircase for $9,000.  That might be the highest price ever for the first printing of The Hidden Staircase.

Both books were purchased by a buyer known to resell to wealthy clients.

The 1932A-1 first printing of The Clue in the Diary also sold recently for $997.56.

This book was purchased by someone else to resell, and the book is back up on eBay for $3,999.99.  I'm not sure that I have ever seen the first printing of The Clue in the Diary sell for above $2,500, so I am skeptical as to whether the seller can get that much.

The first printing of The Clue in the Crossword Cipher sold recently for $86.00.  This book is the first printing because the back cover lists to The Phantom of Pine Hill.

This auction was not advertised as the first printing, but inspection of the above photo revealed the book to be the first printing.  I wonder whether the book could have closed higher if it had been correctly identified or whether the book attained its true market value.  Possibly the people most interested noticed the listing anyway, so perhaps the price would have been about the same.


Coffeegulper said...

I didn't see the auctions for the True Firsts of "Old Clock" or "Staircase", but I did see the one for "Diary". Was shocked it went for as low as it did!

....and yes, I saw how the buyer re-listed it. Nothing like waiting a reasonable length of time!

As for "Crossword Cipher", I also noticed it was a first (from the listing's photos) and put it on watch just to see what it would go for. I already have a 1st of "Crossword" (listing to Pine Hill on the back), and only paid $4.95 for it!


Jack C said...

Ugh... It kills me that I was outbid on that "Crossword Cipher" by so little. But I really felt in the end that the condition warranted my maximum bid. Oh well...

Jenn Fisher said...

The q' though is, is it the 1st printing of Cipher--recall how we've found some that list to Pine Hill on back but have some differences inside the book--I've got 2 listing to #42 on back with inside differences from each other. So which is the firstier first ;)
