Thursday, July 26, 2012

Dana Girls Blue/Red Jacket Variants

During the original run of the Dana Girls series from 1934 to 1944, the books were first issued with lavender and green dust jackets and later with blue and red dust jackets.  The lavender and green dust jackets were used from 1934 to 1937.  The blue and red dust jackets were used from 1938 to 1944.

I recently bought some Dana Girls books with the blue and red dust jackets.  I was checking some of them up against jackets that I already had when I realized that two variations exist for certain titles.

I knew that at least #1-6 have lettering with red around the edges.  I knew that #7-13 have lettering with white around the edges.  What I did not realize is that at least some of the early titles also exist with white around the edges of the letters.

The dust jackets for #1-6 with red around the edges of the letters come on thick purple books.  For these same titles, the dust jackets with white around the edges of the letters come on the thin blue books. 

I have #7-12 in thick purple books with dust jackets that have white around the edges of the letters.  Since I have those titles in thick purple books, I assume that none of them were ever issued with dust jackets that have red around the letters.  #13 was only issued in a blue book with a dust jacket with white around the letters.

I have #1 and #3 in both versions, but I assume that #1-6 exist in both versions.  This is where the rest of you can help.  I have all of the first six in dust jackets with red around the edges of the letters.  Do you have #2, 4, 5, or 6 in dust jackets with white around the edges of the letters?

1 comment:

A said...

I guess I just always assumed that they weren't different colors, but discoloration due to age or sun. Unfortunately I don't have any covers for my Dana Girls books, so I don't know about the lettering. It's on my wishlist, though :)