Monday, April 21, 2008

April 2008 Penny Parker eBay Prices

Here are some recent prices for Penny Parker books on eBay:

#2 The Vanishing Houseboat, no DJ, $4.99
#3 Danger at the Drawbridge w/DJ, $33.29
#3 Danger at the Drawbridge, no DJ, $9.99
#4 Behind the Green Door w/DJ, $19.43
#5 Clue of the Silken Ladder w/DJ, $33.57
#7 The Clock Strikes Thirteen w/DJ, $43.57
#8 The Wishing Well w/DJ, $60.99
#9 Ghost Beyond the Gate w/DJ, $29.88
#10 Saboteurs on the River w/DJ, $12.72
#10 Saboteurs on the River, no DJ, $9.49
#12 Voice from the Cave w/DJ $36.79
#13 Guilt of the Brass Thieves w/DJ, $37.92
#16 Swamp Island, no DJ, $33.00
#16 Swamp Island, no DJ, $13.00

I have noticed that the Penny Parker books come up for sale far less often than they did around 5 to 6 years ago. The dust jackets have become particularly difficult to find. Most of these prices are lower than what I would normally expect to see.


Nora said...

Finally completed my collection of Panny Parkers recently (or so I thought) when I saw a Witch Doll with reverse ads dust jacket! Thought the books came out in 1939, so was confused. Bought it as it was only $14 - even though the dust jacket had problems. In an email to you, you stated you had this and Vanishing Houseboat with the reverse ads too. So are these (dare I say it) rare or at least scarce? Thanks

Jennifer White said...

Since this is a different publisher, the reverse ads were still done years later.

The reverse ads are scarce, as are all very early and first printing Penny Parker books. I'm not sure on the current value, but it is desirable for sure.