Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Keeper of the Lost Cities: The Council and the Black Swan

This is a summary of how the Council's view of the Black Swan has shifted from book to book.  It also tracks what the Council knows.

#1 Keeper of the Lost Cities

The Council bring Sophie to the Lost Cities.  Bronte is angry that Sophie exists, and he's annoyed that he didn't know about her.  Kenric and Oralie are supportive of Sophie.

Two tribunals are ordered when Sophie bottles Quintessence, which is forbidden, and later Everblaze.  Sophie is found innocent and is allowed to continue at Foxfire.

The Councillors are in denial about the serious problems faced by the Lost Cities.  They refuse to believe that Fintan tried to exterminate the human race with his fires.

#2 Exile

The Councillors ask Sophie to assist Alden in Fintan's mind break.  She later heals Alden after his mind break.  This shows that the Councillors do trust Sophie to some degree.

#3 Everblaze

After Sophie attempts to probe King Dimitar's mind, the Council, led by Alina, turn against Sophie.  The Council place an ability restrictor on Sophie.  The only Councillors who appear to be against Sophie's punishment are Bronte, Oralie, and Terik.  The Councilors vow to hunt down and punish every member of the Black Swan.

#4 Neverseen

Sophie and her friends become fugitives and go into hiding with the Black Swan.  They are joined by Della, who swears fealty to the Black Swan.  The Councillors nearly capture the Collective and the kids when they attempt to rescue Prentice.  The Council grant the Black Swan a temporary reprieve to allow them to trade their captive, Gethen, for Prentice.

Sophie and her friends half destroy Ravagog.  The Councillors seem impressed, and they once again view Sophie favorably.  Sophie will be allowed to return to Foxfire.

#5 Lodestar

The Council have decided that skills are important and that everyone will be trained to use their skills. 

Oralie helps to set up a meeting between the Black Swan and Gethen.  Sophie and Forkle are allowed to attend the peace conference as representatives for the Black Swan.  Emery comments that the "Black Swan have proven themselves to be both resourceful and reasonable."

Oralie tells Forkle that she has an idea about who he is.  I assume that she is thinking of Leto.

Granite makes a slip in front of the Council, and they figure out that he is Tiergan.

#6 Nightfall

Bronte is now aligned with the Black Swan and is friendly—in his own way—with Sophie.  He asks if the Collective are willing to drop their disguises.  Mr. Forkle said that they might someday if "the Council continue to make the right decisions."

#7 Flashback

The Neverseen go to Everglen to open up a secret troll hive.  They are confronted by Sophie and her friends.  The Neverseen broadcast the fight to the Celestial Festival, where everyone in the Lost Cities sees what happens.  It doesn't turn out the way the Neverseen want, since they decide to flee after the hatched trolls attack.  Sophie and her friends fight off the newborns as the entire Lost Cities watch.  Opinion of the Black Swan order turns positive throughout the Lost Cities.  Sophie is now respected.

#8 Legacy

Sophie learns that Gethen has read Tam's mind and knows everything that Tam knows.  This means that the Neverseen know that there were two Forkles and that only one is dead.  They also know that Magnate Leto is Mr. Forkle.  This means that anyone could end up knowing that Leto is Forkle, since the members of the Neverseen could tell anyone.

The Council appoint Sophie as a Regent in the nobility.  Sophie is now officially working with the Council.  Sophie is told by the Council that they are on the same side.

Forkle and the Council realize that they haven't been upfront with each other and agree to share information.

Livvy drops her disguise in front of the Council.

The Council and the Black Swan make a joint statement.
#8.5 Unlocked

Noland comments that the goals of Project Moonlark remain unclear.

#9 Stellarlune

Sophie uses her Imparter to demand to speak to Forkle, using his name as well as Leto and Astin.  The book states that Sophie also called for Forkle using all three names while in Oralie's mind map room.  If so, then Oralie knows that Leto and Astin are Forkle.

Both Lord Cassius and Bronte know that Leto is Forkle, since each of them is with Leto while discussing various affairs tied to the Black Swan.

At this point in the series, the Council and the Black Swan are allies.  All Councillors know that Tiergan is in the Collective, and some of the Councillors know that Leto is Forkle.  The secrets are being exposed, and it shouldn't be much longer before everything is revealed.

All of my past Keeper posts are linked from this page:

Keeper of the Lost Cities Summaries, Reviews, and Theories

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