1. Gone, 2013
2. Imprisoned, 2013
3. Hunted, 2014
In the Parallel Trilogy, Morgan Campbell is furious when her mother takes away her cell phone. Morgan runs away from home and stays in a cabin in the woods overnight. The next morning when Morgan returns home, she discovers that another family lives in her house. Her family has vanished! Soon Morgan realizes that she has somehow stepped into a parallel universe.
In this strange world, it is illegal for people to be overweight. People are sent to Federally Assisted Thinning centers, known as F.A.T. centers, in order to force them to lose weight. Some people are sent to the centers because someone turned them in.
Morgan quickly makes a few enemies and gets sent to a F.A.T. center. The center is little more than a prison camp, where people are tortured. Morgan must find a away to escape the F.A.T. center and get back to her own world.

A fourth book has also been written, After, published in 2014. In this book, we get to see what happens to Morgan and Billy after the conclusion of the Parallel Trilogy.
I didn't refresh my memory before beginning After. Around ten months had passed between when I finished the Parallel Trilogy and when I began reading After. It was like no time had passed, and I was able to remember everything about Morgan and Billy quite clearly. These stories are memorable, and I recommend them to people who enjoy young adult novels.
Another story is to be released in late 2014, The Other Morgan. I look forward to meeting the Morgan from the parallel world who switched places with our Morgan.
Jenn, are u familiar with The Withern Rise series by Michael Lawrence? It starts similarly to this one: A boy and a girl change dimensions, and they find the other is living in their home with the same parents, but in the boy's dimensions, the mother has died. Soon, they are travelling within several dimensions with several more dimensions of themselves and past inhabitants of the house. It was really compelling. Makes me want to try this series.
I have never heard of that series. It sounds like it could be good. I'll keep it in mind whenever I decide to read some more modern series, which might just happen by the end of the year.
Withern Rise is a very good time-traveling, sci-fi series with strong protagonists. I have the set, unsure if there's three or four books.
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