Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Three Investigators #21 Haunted Mirror and #22 Dead Man's Riddle

In the Three Investigators #21, The Secret of the Haunted Mirror, Mrs. Darnley asks the boys to help her guard a mirror that once belonged to a magician named Chiavo.  The mirror is said to be haunted by the spirit of Chiavo, but Mrs. Darnley's immediate concern is that someone is trying to steal the mirror.  Soon, Mrs. Darnley has greater concerns when she and the boys see Chiavo's spirit in the mirror.

On pages 70 and 71, Mrs. Darnley's grandson, Jeff, wants to go down the stairs to the basement with the Three Investigators as they try to find the phantom.  Mrs. Darnley protests, and Jupiter points out, "Mrs. Darnley, the phantom may not be down there.  He may be out of the house and away."  The phantom may not be down there.  How does that mitigate Mrs. Darnley's concern?  You get one guess as to whether the phantom was down there.  I'm sure you know the answer.

This book is really spooky, and I greatly enjoyed it.

In the Three Investigators #22, The Mystery of the Dead Man's Riddle, the friend of a deceased wealthy, eccentric man files his last will and testament.  The will is published and contains a riddle that leads to the man's fortune.  The Three Investigators eagerly join the hunt along with half of Rocky Beach.

In this book, the boys finally go to school.  This book is set in the spring.  On page 8, the boys plan to have a meeting before school the next morning.  What a relief.  I was beginning to worry about the boys' lack of education.

It's actually a bit awkward for the boys to be attending school, since school has not existed in any of the other books. 

This is another good story, and I enjoyed it.

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