Part of the description of
this auction caught my eye. The auction was for the scarce second art dust jacket of
The Message in the Hollow Oak. The seller had received a message from an eBay member and posted it in his description.
It is one of the rarest versions of any Drew, as it is the intro of the 2nd cover art of this title and there was only one printing in this format. It was released in 1961 and the next year when dust jackets were discontinued and all titles went to yellow spine, this art was continued on the picture cover issue. I haven't seen this version on Ebay in about 2 years.
While the dust jacket is very scarce, it is an exaggeration to state that it is "one of the rarest versions of any Drew." The incorrectly-numbered dust jackets (discussed in
this post), particularly Mysterious Letter, Shadow Ranch, and Broken Locket, are much more scarce than the second art DJ of Hollow Oak.
The statement about not having seen the second art dust jacket on eBay may be what that person thinks is true, but I
have seen it up for sale in the last two years.
It took me awhile to find it, but here it is:
Ethics in BooksellingThe above post was published on June 26, 2008. In it, I noted how the second art dust jacket of Hollow Oak is said to be rare, yet it comes up for sale more often than a rare book should. In that post, I listed six different copies that were either up for sale or had just sold on eBay. I also noted that I had a seventh copy in my possession at that time. This all happened
just a little over a year ago, which is
nearly one year less than the two-year time frame in which someone stated that it had not been seen on eBay.
I know that I miss auctions on eBay. I personally would never state that a dust jacket has not been on eBay in two years unless I had record of every single auction. When I
wrote about that first printing Bungalow Mystery dust jacket, I stated, "The jacket is nearly impossible to find and comes up for sale probably only once every five years." I did
not state that it had not been up for sale in the last five years. I do not know whether it has or not. I cannot remember everything, so I hate reading comments about how a book has not been seen on eBay in a certain amount of time.