Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hardy Boys #6 Shore Road Mystery and #7 Secret of the Caves

In the original text of Hardy Boys #6, The Shore Road Mystery, vehicles are disappearing all along Shore Road.  Road blocks never turn up any of the stolen vehicles, so Frank and Joe conclude that the vehicles must be hidden somewhere along Shore Road.

The boys get trapped behind a cave-in while inside a tunnel/cave just like what happened in the previous story.

I didn't find the beginning of the story to be especially interesting, but I soon gained interest.  Once I was quite interested, I greatly enjoyed the story.

In the original text of Hardy Boys #7, The Secret of the Caves, Fenton Hardy is asked to find Toddham Todd.  Meanwhile, one of the Shore Road thieves breaks out of jail, and the Hardy Boys decide to go on an outing to some coastal caves. 

On page 14, the Hardy boys reflect on the strange coincidence of them rescuing a woman who was on her way to see their father.  This isn't strange at all.  It's the usual bizarre coincidence that typically happens to the Hardy boys.

I didn't care about Toddham Todd when I read this book before, and I don't care about him now.

It's a nice bit of continuity to have one of the Shore Road thieves appear in this book.

I find it very strange on page 145 for the boys to flag down a motorist to ask him to take their prisoner into town.  How do they know they can trust the motorist?  How do they know the motorist will want to do it?  Of course, the person who stops is a victim of the auto thieves and is thrilled to bring one to justice, so it all works out.

Later in the story when the boys need to get a sick man to Bayport, another Bayport resident conveniently appears at exactly the right moment and is willing to take the sick man to Bayport.

I enjoyed this book even though I didn't care about Toddham Todd.

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