Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Brad Forrest #3 Madagascar Adventure

In Brad Forrest #3, Madagascar Adventure, Brad's father is missing while working at a dig in Madagascar.  Brad works with the French Colonial Police as he looks for his father.  Brad fears that his father will be smuggled out of the country before he can be found.

Mr. Forrest's yacht is named the SVAAP.  What the heck kind of name is that?  As I continued reading, I realized that there must be an explanation.  Apparently Svaap is the name of a type of yacht.  At least Mr. Forrest hasn't lost his mind.

Brad meets Colonel Le May on page 24.  On page 25, Brad is told that Sergeant Terez has disappeared while doing undercover work.  Brad asks about the kind of work, and the Colonel tells him the specifics, despite having just met Brad.  If an agent has been doing undercover work, why would his superior officer reveal his mission?

On page 100, Brad announces that he can fly a helicopter.  Normally in series books, the adults ask a few questions to make certain, but not these adults!  Just moments later, Brad is flying the helicopter.  These books move fast.  The reader has very little time to get bored.

"Come on" is spelled "common" in the Brad Forrest books.  I'm beginning to get used to it, but it's weird.  Here's an example from page 119.
Brad had seen nothing but Terez cried, "Common!  Somebody just ducked around that corner."
The characters "snapped" at each other all the time.  It took me aback until I realized that the word was often being used in a positive rather than a negative sense.  Another oddity is that "okay" is given as "OKay" throughout all of these books.  That's an odd combination of "OK" and "okay."

This book also has amazing scenes that are not believable.  Brad is flying a plane, and he needs to let down his passenger without landing.  He faces into the wind and flies at just the speed to hold the plane steady near the ground so that his passenger can jump off.

This book reminds me of the Biff Brewster book, Mystery of the Mexican Treasure.  The plots are not the same, but the stories have some obvious similarities.

This is a good book.  The plot isn't convoluted like the first two books, and it isn't nearly as wacky.  The book is roughly as good as the average Biff Brewster story.

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